Download the most recent version of the DFEcator (.tar.gz) (in UNIX, type "gunzip DFEcator.tar.gz" followed by "tar -xvf DFEcator.tar" to uncompress it. You must compile two MEX files by typing "mex adapt.c" and "mex ep.c" at the Matlab prompt.)

The most recent version of the DFEcator is dated Wednesday, 28-Nov-2001 15:20:41 EST.

General Information

The DFEcator is a MATLAB5-based interactive tool based on The BERGulator for design and simulation of minimum mean square error (MMSE) and adaptive (including blind) decision feedback equalizers (DFE). Both baud-spaced equalizers (BS) and T/2 fractionally-spaced (FS) DFEs may be designed to equalize complex, additive white gaussian noise channels (AWGN) for various choices of parameters. For MMSE designs some of these choices include: For adaptive designs, it includes choice of: Figures displaying information about the designs may be accessed through toggle buttons on the left side of the screen. Variables containing results of designs and experiments may be accessed by typing "dfec_global" at the Matlab prompt. There are four main pieces of The DFEcator: channel, equalizer and adaptation parameter boxes, and action buttons. A brief description of each follows:

Channel Parameters

Equalizer Parameters

Adaptation Parameters


DFEcator written by: Raúl Casas, September 1998

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