Welcome to the home page of the Broadband Adaptive Receiver Design (BARD) Project (part of the Cornell University Blind Equalization Research Group (C.U. BERG)). The members of our research group are faculty and students in the Cornell University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
The technological focus of the BARD project is broadband delivery "last-mile" technologies where a (semi-) blindly adapted filter (typically as an equalizer) at the receiver can play a key role in desired performance attainment. The basic research is devoted primarily to parameter adaptive algorithm development for digital communication receivers and theoretical analysis that provides guidelines useful for broadband adaptive receiver design. The current research directions of the BARD team are (i) adaptive equalization for multicarrier communication systems, (ii) receiver design for ultra-wideband communication systems, and (iii) stability of composite communications systems.
In the past few years, the BERG team has performed specific field-data
driven studies on mobile microwave radio and terrestrial broadcast
digital television. These studies have strongly influenced the issues
addressed in the basic research of the BERG team. One such endeavor
involved the characterization of the performance of adaptive
algorithms, such as CMA, for blindly updating fractionally-spaced
linear equalizers. The objective was a theory useful in practical
equalizer design for high data rate digital communication systems. To
this end, the effects of equalizer length specification, channel
noise, channel near non-identifiability, and source distribution
non-uniformity on the behavior of CMA-FSE were assessed. In addition,
the CMA initialization problem was studied, in part through a
characterization of CMA's regions of convergence. Photograph: Professor
Johnson holds a directional antenna as part of the group's field-data
based DTV channel characterization
effort. (more
The People section includes a list of current BARD members (with links to their personal home pages), BARD alumni, academic collaborators, corporate collaborators, and photos from recent conferences and other research activities.
The Publications section has downloadable postscript and PDF files of (some) recent journal papers, conference papers, and theses. (Note that the home pages of individual BARD/BERG members may contain more updated publication lists.) We hope for feedback on these ongoing projects: johnson@ece.cornell.edu
The Downloads section of our web page includes measured and experimental data, simulation tools, and tutorials.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0310023.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.